RBC Nursery
Established in 1988, Rhiwbina Baptist Church Nursery is CIW registered and is a fun, exciting and friendly environment where children can learn in all developmental areas. With 30 children attending each term-time week day, the nursery is open between the hours of 9:00am – 12 noon every morning. Wraparound provision is available between 12 noon and 1:00pm for children over 3 years attending Rhiwbeina Primary Nursery in the afternoon.
For enquiries, please phone 029 2061 4644 after 12.15pm or email kids@rbc.ac.

Aims of RBC Nursery
RBC Nursery seeks to provide learning opportunities within a Christian environment, where we aim to:
- motivate children to reach their full potential
- encourage each child to make their own decisions to aid independence in later life
- improve the all round development of each child; physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually
- nurture relationships between home and nursery
- introduce children to the routine of nursery
- make children aware that God loves and cares for them individually
- provide a happy, caring environment where children of all needs, are provided with a variety of activities to enrich their development.
The nursery is accessible to all children from the local community and is officially registered for a maximum of 30 children from ages 2 years 6 months to 5 years. Children will only be admitted when they reach 2 years 6 months and must be toilet trained.
Children can be added to the waiting list as soon as they reach 18 months old. Places will be allocated as they become available.
There is a minimum attendance of 2 days per week and children may start mid-term or at the beginning of the following term.
Click here to download an application form. You can get some more information here: Application Form information

Fees are payable at the start of each term and are calculated for days of the week attended. Term-time holidays and absence will not be subtracted from the overall fee. We accept childcare vouchers and are registered for the Childcare Offer for Wales.
Daily Fees:
Morning session – £15
Wraparound Provision – £10
Snack – £0.75
Prices correct for September 2023 and are subject to change in line with the Childcare Offer for Wales.
Donna Rees and Sarah Jackson lead a team of qualified, experienced and volunteer staff and our staff to pupil ratio is 1:4 for 2 years 6 months and 1:8 for 3 year olds.
Leaders: Donna Rees & Sarah Jackson
Deputy Leader: Holly Holliday

Safeguarding Policy
In adherence to the Child Safeguarding Policy of RBC, all nursery staff and volunteers have current enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and have completed Safeguarding training to CCPAS standards. The nursery has at least one qualified First Aider on duty at any time.
Wraparound Provision
Wraparound provision is available between 12 noon and 1pm for children attending Rhiwbeina Primary Nursery in the afternoons.
Children are to bring a packed lunch and will be supervised eating around tables with their friends and then transferred across to school in time for their afternoon session.
We have a maximum of 16 wraparound spaces available and these are offered first to those children who are already in our setting prior to opening up the spaces to those on our waiting list.

We are primarily an English speaking Nursery, however we do encourage simple Welsh language songs and cultural activities.
We follow a broad-based curriculum based on the Welsh Government’s Curriculum for funded Non-Maintenance Nursery settings. A range of activities suitable for pre-school children will be offered.
Job Vacancies
If you are interested in working with us at RBC Nursery, please contact us to register your interest