
Church Life

We are a family journeying through life together. Whether you’re new or are already part of our community, there are many ways you can connect with others.

Sunday Stream


Our in-person services start at 10:30am. We usually have some all-together worship and then the children attend groups for their various ages. We then have some more worship and a message. We also love to hear testimonies and have a time of prayer ministry.

If you’re coming for the first time and would like to know more, or just to introduce yourself for us to look out for you, send us an email. Or you can just turn up, we’d love to see you!

We also continue to livestream part of the service on our Facebook page. Watch live or catch up later! 

Life Groups

Our Life Groups are a great context for developing strong relationships and an environment where authentic community and life transformation can happen.

For Older People

We have 2 monthly events for older people at RBC. One is a social gathering for either lunch or coffee and cake, meeting on a Wednesday once a month. The other is a traditional worship service, meeting on a Friday once a month. 

Kids & Youth

We run a number of programmes that seek to create safe environments for our children and young people to have fun, make friendships, and grow deeper in their understanding of God and their faith.




Don’t miss out on church life